7月30日発売!/『Sea Dream』38号「暮らすように楽しむ、ハワイ」


海のライフスタイルマガジン『Sea Dream(シードリーム)』の38号(7月30日発売)は、ハワイで長年発行されている情報誌『ハワイに住む』との共同編集企画。海好き、船好きにとって魅力あふれるハワイを「憧れの地」ではなく、半歩踏み込んで「暮らすように楽しむ」をテーマに現地取材。すでにハワイで暮らしている日本人のライフスタイルなど実例を紹介すると共に、最新情報を収載。

Issue 38 of the marine lifestyle magazine Sea Dream focuses on Hawaii. In collaboration with the popular local real estate magazine 'Living in Hawaii', the articles bring you up to date on must-visit fine resorts and restaurants, architecture, the basics of buying real estate, stories of people who have realized the dream of living well in Hawaii, and much more. 



The 56-page special feature on Hawaii is dynamically presented through the powerful and beautiful photographs of internationally acclaimed photographer Yoichi Yabe. The feature provides Hawaii's spectacular coastal beauty, and presents a wealth of never-before-seen Hawaii's charms. Enjoy the magazine with a cup of Kona coffee in your hand.



Each issue of Sea Dream features cruise ships from around the world. In this issue, we take you on a unique cruise to the Marquesas Islands on the passenger-cargo ship Aranui. Unlike ordinary cruises, this ship takes you to the islands with the necessities of life and gives you a glimpse into the life and culture of the islanders.



Sea Dream Gallery features a collection of works by Chikako Furuya, who became a photographer after working as a diver and fisher-woman in Okinawa and felt the importance of documenting their cultural value.



The sailing life of Mr. Ken Saito, the newly appointed chairman of the Tokyo Yacht Club (Tokyo Yumenoshima Marina), with his beloved boat “ASTO” (Swan 40).



The popular series ‘The chef’s Special’ by French Chef Kazunori Otowa of Otowa Restaurant in Utsunomiya creates another delightful dish.


艇紹介はスーパーヨットの老舗造船所、オランダのロイヤルハイスマンの406番目となるプロジェクトで誕生した、世界最大のスポーツフィッシャー〈SPECIAL ONE〉(全長52m)、フィンランドのリネックスボート建造によるノードスター33+(全長11.2m)、同じくフィンランドのサックスドール社のサックスドール 320 GTO(全長12.4m)を収載。

The boats featured are the world's largest sport-fisher SPECIAL ONE (52m), the 406th project from the superyacht shipyard Royal Heisman of the Netherlands, the NORD STAR 33+ (11.2m) built by Linex Boats of Finland, the SAXDOR 320 GTO (12.4m) also built by Finish builder, SAXDOR.


その他、クラブ・イン・マガジン『Sea Dream Club』コーナーでは作家の松山猛氏のエッセイ、世界的に著名な建築家、窪田勝文さんの作品と建築にかける哲学などを紹介しています。

In addition, the "Sea Dream Club" features an essay by Takeshi Matsuyama, the work of world-renowned architect Katsufumi Kubota and his philosophy on architecture.


(文=Sea Dream編集長/田久保雅己 text by Masami Takubo, Editor in Chief Sea Dream)


■Sea Dream 38号 


●日本の海に姿を現した全長46mのスーパーヨット|〈APRIES W〉の世界

●三浦の海辺で富士山と最高の夕陽を堪能|MIURA RENDEZVOUS 2024




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